Monday, September 26, 2011

Understanding Oxidative Stress.

The world of oxygen, oxidative stress, free radicals, antioxidants, preventing degenerative disease and slowing the aging process.
Oxygen. It's essential to our planet's life force, and the way we breathe, function, and stay healthy. Without it, our organs couldn't function. We wouldn't be able to live. However, oxygen also plays a vital role in the breakdown of our body's functionality - but only if we're not keeping ourselves in balance and free of toxins. Let's see why.

What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress, simply put, is the damage made to a cell through the oxidative process.

Oxidation, in itself, is a very normal process - it happens all the time to our bodies and many things that surround us.
However, when there are disturbances in the natural oxidation process, such as the attraction of a free radical to another molecule in your body, the results are often toxic effects.
Imagine an iron pipe lying on the ground. As it weathers years of rain, environmental exposure, sun, and other factors, it begins to rust.

The rust is caused by oxidation. Free oxygen radicals are created during the metabolism of normal oxygen cells, or oxidation. These free radicals are missing a simple electron and are in search of another molecule that they can combine with to become "whole." In their quest, they fire charges that damage other cells and structures around them. This, in turn, causes the rust.
In effect, your body is "rusting" as it goes through its lifetime, the free oxygen radicals wildly running through your system, searching for a mate.

As you can see, the more free radicals your body contains, the more damage that's likely to be done. The best way to see this damage is through our normal aging process.

Oxidative Stress and Aging

While modern medicine has found ways for humans to live longer, our quality of life - especially during the last 30 years - has gone down.
Much of this can be attributed to oxidative stress and the toxins that we're encountering more and more throughout our lives.

A simple way to visually experience the effects of oxidative stress on aging is to visit a nursing home. Compare the skin of a five-year-old to that of a resident, and notice the breakdown, wrinkles, and color as compared to the smooth, supple skin of a child.
Throughout our lives, our skin encounters free radicals in many different forms, and their effect is clearly obvious on our skin.

But oxidative stress isn't only apparent on the outside. It's the cause of many or most diseases our society is concerned with today.

Oxidative Stress and Disease

To date, science has discovered that oxidative stress may very well be the cause of over 70 well-known, widely-spread diseases.

Depending on what form of toxin or stress your body is exposed to on an ongoing basis, you could find yourself suffering, even at an early age, from diseases that could be prevented if only you'd have minimized the harmful free radicals in your system.

Here are just some of the diseases are caused by oxidative stress:

• Heart Disease
• Cancer
• Arthritis
• Lung Disease
• Fibromyalgia
• Diabetes
• Neurodegenerative Diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
• Autoimmune Diseases
• Eye Diseases like Macular Degeneration

A Look at Free Radicals

Obviously, even back in the early days of man, free radicals existed and caused oxidative stress.
They're inherent to life and a normal byproduct of regular oxygen molecule metabolism. However, our bodies were only made to withstand so much exposure to free radicals (even though our body does an amazing job at neutralizing them in a normal, low-toxin setting).
The increased and prolonged exposure to these wild and reckless free radicals cause a faster build-up of "rust" or disease in our bodies.

So what are some of the most common reasons our bodies' oxygen molecules oxidize themselves into an increased amount of free radicals? Some of them you're probably well aware of, and some of them may come as a surprise.

• Environmental and Air Pollution
• Cigarette Smoking
• Excess Stress
• Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
• Radiation
• Excessive Exercise
• Increased Exposure to Sunlight

The Heroic Role of Antioxidants

The key ingredient, by far, to reducing the amount of free radicals in your system is antioxidants. 
Antioxidants are fantastic little substances that wander through your body, giving up an electron to the greedy free radicals charging through your system. They neutralize the free radicals and allow your body to do its business of excreting them safely and without harm.

Our bodies already make several different types of antioxidants all on their own. But as our exposure to harmful free radicals in the environment and through our lifestyles increase, our need for outside supplies of antioxidants is vital in the war against aging and degenerative disease.

While a good supply of antioxidants come from natural sources like healthy food, we also need to supplement those sources.

Increasingly, our food supply is being degraded through harmful growing practices and soil depletion, and can no longer be relied upon to protect us from the oxidative stress all around us.
With a healthy supply of free-radical-neutralizing antioxidants, you can see how our bodies are better able to withstand and ward off the "rusting" for decades longer than we currently do.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Help For Digestive Problems

Help For Digestive Problems

Digestive problems are the No. 1 problem in North America. These diseases, encompassing everything from hemorrhoids to colon cancer, result in more time lost—at work, school, and play—than any other health problem. They also appear to be occurring with much more frequency—while many of them were almost unheard of in our grandparents’ times, they are cropping up more and more and at an earlier and earlier age.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common complaint: some 10 to 20 percent of the population experiences the diverse symptoms this syndrome causes. IBS goes by several different names. It is also called spastic colon, spastic bowel, mucous colitis, spastic colitis, colitis, intestinal neurosis, and functional bowel disease.
As its name indicates, it is a collection of symptoms that can appear in any number of combinations. These symptoms include bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and spasms, and nausea. The pain is often triggered by eating, so people suffering from IBS don’t always eat enough, which results in malnutrition.

Most health practitioners agree that there is no set cause of IBS, and that food allergies, medication, stress, hormone changes, low fiber intake, infection, parasites, lactose intolerance, laxatives, and antibiotic abuse could all be involved. In fact, the consensus is that just about anything that disturbs our intestinal bacterial balance—the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria—could have a hand in causing IBS. IBS is not serious in that it is not life-threatening; however, it makes for a very uncomfortable life.

In IBS, the normal rhythm of the muscular contractions of the digestive tract becomes irregular and uncoordinated—the body’s digestive system usually churns along like a good washing machine, but in IBS, the "wash cycle" is irregular, and this interferes with movement of food and water. This means that the food, instead of "rinsing out" of the body efficiently, accumulates in the digestive tract, which, in turn, leads to the accumulation of mucus and toxins in the intestines. The result of this is that gas and stool do not flow freely, and, viola, the above-mentioned symptoms begin to appear.

Because many of the IBS symptoms are the same as those found in more serious digestive problems (such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), the first thing to do is to eliminate the possibility that the symptoms are related to one of these. After you and your health practitioner are sure that your problem is IBS, action can be taken.

Many health practitioners feel that food allergies are the main cause of IBS and recommend being tested for allergic reactions to foods. Foods that trigger allergies include cheese, milk, chocolate, butter, coffee, eggs, and nuts. Controlling food allergies often controls IBS.

Dietary changes can help relieve symptoms. Avoid animal fat, butter, carbonated drinks, chocolate and candy, dairy products, fried foods, sugar, food additives, alcohol, and tobacco. Most health practitioners recommend a high-fiber diet and supplementing with a bulking fiber like psyllium. Drinking plenty of water is also important.

Helpful supplements include aloe vera, peppermint, chamomile, melissa, valerian, ginger, and chaste berry.

Help For Constipation

Not everyone's perception of bowel regularity is the same. While one person may expect to have a bowel movement every day, another individual is perfectly content with a movement every three or four days.  Constipation is not merely defined by a reduction in the frequency of bowel movements, although that is one criterion. Rather, it involves a sensation of incomplete emptying, straining to evacuate the bowel, and hard or lumpy stools. People who feel constipated often turn to herbal remedies for relief.


A demulcent is an agent that soothes and protects your mucous membranes. Herbs that are rich in mucilage, such as plantain, fenugreek, chickweed, slippery elm, mullein and marshmallow, and foods that contain pectin, such as apples, plums and guavas, are examples of demulcents. While they are not laxatives, per se, they improve bowel function by coating and lubricating the inner lining of your gut.


Some herbs help to stimulate muscular activity in your intestine, which improves bowel activity and increases the frequency of bowel movements. Senna, cascara, buckthorn, rhubarb and aloe are stimulants, according to nutritional expert Phyllis Balch, author of "Prescription for Herbal Healing." Dosages of stimulant herbs vary, depending on the type of herb and the concentration of the preparation. Stimulants can generate excessive bowel activity, which may result in abdominal cramping, diarrhea, dehydration and electrolyte depletion.

Bulking Agents

Some herbal preparations act as bulk-forming agents. They help to retain moisture in your intestine, thereby softening your stool and increasing its volume. A softer, bulkier stool is more easily propelled through your gut. Psyllium husks, kelp, bran and hibiscus are all plant-derived bulking agents. Bulking agents help to re-establish normal intestinal motility in chronic cases of constipation, and they may even prove useful for people suffering from intermittent diarrhea. Bulking agents tend to cause fewer side effects than stimulants, so they can usually be used for longer periods of time without causing problems.


The presence of bitter-tasting compounds at the back of your tongue triggers reflexes from your brain, which stimulate bowel activity. This is one of the reasons black coffee gets people's bowels working in the morning. Bitter agents also increase the flow of bile into your intestine, which further stimulates bowel activity. Any child who has touched a dandelion stem to his tongue knows that this herb possesses remarkable bitter properties. Goldenseal and Oregon grape are bitter herbs that may be useful for constipation.


Constipation can result from a variety of factors. Many causes, such as reduced fluid intake, physical inactivity or a change in diet, are benign and usually self-limiting. Others, such as hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome or intestinal masses, may merit medical attention.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lower Blood Pressure With Olive Leaf

Olive leaf

Initials researchers found that the olive lead extract (oleurpein) had the capacity to lower blood pressure in animals. Other European researchers confirmed this finding and determined that olive leaf extract also increased blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieved arrhythmias, and prevented intestinal muscle spasms.

Dutch researcher determined that active ingredients in the oleurpein. This active ingredient is called elenolic acid. It was found to have a powerful anti-bacterial effect. Studies showed that elenolic acid killed every virus tested-every single one! Among the viruses tested were herpes, influenza, a couple of leukemia and a sarcoma. Elenolic acid was also effective against parasitic protozoans and bacteria. Furthermore, it was found to counteract a variety of viruses associated with the common cold on humans.

At Spain's University of Granada, pharmacologists determined that the olive leaf extract causes relaxation of arterial walls in laboratory animals, such results suggested a possible benefit for hypertension.

In Tunis, researchers found that the aqueous extract of olive leaves reduced hypertension, blood sugar, and the level of uric acid in rodents. This finding also indicates potential in the treatment of hypertension, as well as diabetes and heart diseases.

Olive leaf extract has been reported to:

  • Enhance the immune system
  • Increase energy
  • Has an internal cleansing action
  • Has an anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasitic actions
  • Can reduce or even eliminate many diverse health problems
  • Lowers blood pressur
  • Lowers blood fats
  • Reduces blood sugar 

Lower Blood Sugar And Cholesterol With Fenugreek


As a medicinal plant, fenugreek has traditionally been considered a carminative, demulcent, expectorant, laxative and stomachic. The plant has also been employed against bronchitis, fevers, sore throats, wounds, swollen glands, skin irritations, diabetes, ulcers, and in the treatment of cancer. Fenugreek has been used to promote lactation and as an aphrodisiac. Furthermore, fenugreek seeds have been used as an oral insulin substitute, and seen extracts have been reported to lower blood glucose levels.

Compounds extracted from the plant have shown cardiotonic anticholeserolemic, hypoglycemic, diuretic, antichloristic, and hypertensive activity. One of its constituents is an alkaloid called іtrigonellineІ which has shown potential for use in cancer therapy. The seeds contain steroidal saponins that account for the many beneficial effects of fenugreek, particularly the inhibition of cholesterol absorption and synthesis. The seeds are also rich in dietary fiber, which may be the main reason why it can lower blood sugar levels in diabetes.

Fenugreek has the following properties:

  • Lowers fever
  • Supports the respiratory system
  • Treating gastritis and gastric ulcers
  • Treatment of cancer
  • Anti-diabetic (lowers blood sugar levels
  • Lowers cholesterol level
  • Laxative
  • Carminative
  • Increases breast-milk production
  • Induces childbirth

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Kelp is a variety of seaweed that can be found on rocky shores throughout the world. It is a natural food source that can be obtained from all good health stores.

There is a large list of nutrients in kelp and these include over 70 minerals and trace elements, growth hormones, vitamins, enzymes, and proteins which include iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron.

What Can Kelp Do For You?

There are a large number of kelp benefits that have been discovered throughout the years and taking a kelp supplement really can help to keep your body healthy. Some of the main benefits that have been discovered are:

  • Kelp has been shown to help alleviate arthritis pain
  • Kelp can help to increase energy levels
  • Boost immunity
  • Improve liver function
  • Fight against heart disease and cancer
  • Suppress AIDS
  • Control appetite and can help with weight loss due to its metabolism stimulating properties.
  • Kelp has been used to treat thyroid problems due to the iodine in kelp which helps under active thyroids which is due to the lack of iodine.
  • Helps with poor digestion, flatulence and constipation.
  • Kelp kills the herpes virus
  • Kelp helps to lower cholesterol levels
  • Kelp helps to maintain the health of the mucous membranes
  • Kelp can be used to help reduce hair loss.

As you can see taking a kelp supplement really does have some powerful health benefits but what else is there to know about kelp. As you already know kelp is in fact a seaweed and can be bought dried, granulated or as a powder. Getting the health benefits of kelp is extremely easy as kelp can be added to drinks or water and it can also be used for flavouring or as a salt substitute. Kelp can be used when cooking and can be added to soups, stews, stir fries, and cooked with beans or grains.

Kelp benefits are constantly being investigated and studied but there is nothing stopping you from beginning to restore your body's health now by taking a kelp supplement or adding kelp into your daily cooking routine. Remember your health is in your hands so why not take the necessary steps now.

Celery seed Extract

Celery Extract

Celery is a member of the Umbelliferous family along with carrots, parsley, and fennel. The modern celery originated from wild celery native to the Mediterranean where its seeds were once highly valued as a medicine. Like many other folk medicines, modern research is upholding the medicinal value of this common plant. In particular, scientists are evaluating the most powerful of the healing factors of celery, a compound known as 3-nbutylphthalide or 3nB for short.

What is 3nB?

3nB is a compound that is unique to celery and is responsible for the characteristic flavor and odor of celery. 3nb was discovered as the active component of celery in response to investigations by researchers seeking to explain some of the medicinal effects of celery including the lowering of blood pressure and the relief of arthritis. 3nB first drew significant scientific attention when researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center identified it as the factor in celery responsible for the blood pressure lowering effect of celery.1 The research was prompted by one of the researcher's father, who after eating a quarter-pound of celery every day for one week observed his blood pressure dropped from 158 over 96 to a normal reading of 118 over 82. Subsequent animal studies found that a very small amount of 3nB lowered blood pressure by 12 to 14% and also lowered cholesterol by about 7%.

How does 3nB lower blood pressure?

The blood pressure lowering effect of 3nB appears to be a result of several effects. First of all, let me explain exactly what blood pressure refers to. It refers to the force with which your blood flows through the vessels. High blood pressure is usually the result of too much fluid there is in your blood and how flexible or resistant your blood vessels are. Retention of sodium (salt) leads to increase fluid volume in the blood while hardening of the arteries and the hormones released during stress lead to loss of flexibility or constriction of blood flow. If you put your thumb over a garden hose, the pressure against your thumb and the resultant pressure of the flow of water out of the hose can be reduced by either turning down the faucet (reducing the fluid volume) or by letting more water flow out the end of the hose (dilating the vessel). In treating high blood pressure, doctors usually prescribed diuretics (water pills) to reduce the fluid volume and vasodilators to relax the arteries to reduce the resistance of blood flow or beta-blockers to turn down the pumping action of the heart. 3nB appears to help lower blood pressure by both acting as a diuretic and vasodilator through impacting the production of prostaglandins (discussed below) as well as acting in a similar manner to drugs known as calciumchannel blockers.2 3nB has also been shown to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the formation of arterial plaque in experimental studies (animal and test tube studies).3,4 This effect may increase the elasticity of the blood vessels and also lead to lower blood pressure readings. 3nB also appears to promote some effects on areas and systems of the brain that control vascular resistance.

The benefit of celery extract in high blood pressure is its apparent safety and the fact that it has a very unusual mechanism of action as a diuretic. Most diuretics change the ratio of sodium to potassium in the blood and as a result dangerous side effects can occur as a result of either too much potassium or sodium. In contrast, celery extract acts as a diuretic but does not alter the ratio of sodium to potassium in the blood. The research on the blood pressure lowering effect of celery and celery extracts is quite preliminary, but I think it is certainly worth the effort to give it a try as some people have noted significant reductions. What research will probably show is that some people with high blood pressure will respond to celery extract while others will not. This occurrence is not unusual as physicians treating high blood pressure will tell you that there is a similar phenomena with conventional drugs used in high blood pressure.

Another real advantage of celery extract over conventional drugs used in high blood pressure is that the drugs lower blood flow to the brain. While this effect is helpful in reducing the likelihood of stroke, it often leaves people taking these drugs feeling tired, depressed, dizzy, and forgetful. Celery extract on the other hand has actually been shown to not only help prevent stroke in animal studies, but also improve blood flow as well and act to protect the brain and enhance energy production with the brain in a similar manner to Ginkgo biloba extract.5-8 It has produced dramatic recovery in neurological and brain function in animals in studies that simulate a stroke.6-10 It has also been shown to significantly increase lifespan in animal studies.11

What other effects have been noted with 3nB?

3nB has shown tremendous promise as an anticancer phytonutrient and detoxification aid in an experimental animal model,12 but it is its use as a pain reliever in arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout that is getting most of the attention.

A celery extract standardized to contain 85% 3nB and other celery phthalides has been evaluated in the treatment of "rheumatism" – the general term used for arthritic and muscular aches and pain.13,14 In these studies efficacy was evaluated by well-established clinical protocols used to measure the effectiveness of conventional drugs used in arthritis and muscular pain. This protocol allows objective measures of clinical pain that can be assessed statistically and for individual comparisons. Due to the chronic, fluctuating nature of rheumatism, the design of the study was a longitudinal study. This sort of study compares the results achieved when using the active substance to a time when it is not used.

During the active phase of the 12-week study, the 15 subjects suffering from either osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or gout received 34 mg of a proprietary celery extract standardized to contain 85% phthalides twice daily. The pain had been present for approximately 10 years in a remittent or continual form and it led to a lack of joint mobility and pain that prevented the carrying out of household duties, hobbies and activities involved in employment of these subjects. The results of the study were extremely positive and quite statistically significant. The chance that such a positive effect in reducing pain in these subjects was a placebo effect was less than 1 in 1000. Subjects experienced significant pain relief after 3 weeks of use with the average reduction in pain scores of 68% and some subjects experiencing complete 100% relief from pain. Most subjects achieved maximum benefit after six weeks of use although some did notice improvements the longer the extract was used. Detailed blood chemistry as well as clinical evaluation in these test subjects did not turn up any side effects. Many subjects noticed a diuretic effect, but no changes were noted in the sodium and potassium balance (the significance of this effect was discussed above).

Based on the positive results in this small pilot study, a larger 70 patient study was conducted. Test subjects received 75 mg of the celery extract twice daily for three weeks. At this higher dosage, subjects reported even better results than in the pilot study. Statistically and clinically significant reductions were noted in pain scores, mobility, and quality of life. Again no side effects were noted other than the diuretic effect with no changes in the sodium and potassium balance. It appears to be particularly helpful for sufferers of gout as 3nB appears to lower the production of uric acid by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine oxidase.15

What is the proper dosage and are their any side effects?

Over 100,000 people in Australia have now used this proprietary celery seed extract standardized at 85% phthalides without any reports of side effects. The current recommendations for joint and muscle complaints based on the information now available from trials as well as clinical experience are the following (based upon using a celery seed extract standardized to contain 85% 3nB and other phthalides):
  • For the relief of join and muscle pain (includ ing pain due to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia): one tablet two to three times daily.
  • For gout: two tablets twice daily. NOTE: The initial blood uric acid measurements may increase in people with gout as uric acid crystals begin to dissolve.

Do you have to take the celery extract continuously to maintain benefits in relieving joint and muscle pain?

Yes. Results from the studies conducted to date indicate that as long as the celery extract is used it keeps pain at bay. But, if it is stopped the pain tends to recur.

How much celery or celery extract should I take for high blood pressure?

My recommendation is to either consume 8 ribs of celery per day or take a celery extract standardized to contain 85% 3nB and other celery phthalides at a dosage of 75 to 150 mg twice daily.

Can I take celery extract with conventional anti-inflammatory drugs?

Yes. There does not seem to be any adverse interactions with conventional drugs.

Are there any contraindications?

Since the effects of celery extract have not been evaluated for safety in pregnancy, it is generally recommended that it not be used during pregnancy or lactation. No other contraindications are presently known. I would advise individuals taking the drug Coumadin (warfarin) to be closely monitored by their physician when starting to use celery extract. It is just a precautionary recommendation.

How does 3nB work to produce all of these benefits?

Based upon al of the existing research it is clear that 3nB exerts a profound effect on many of the body’s control systems. Chief among them the prostaglandin system. Prostaglandins are chemicals that mediate or control many important body processes including regulating inflammation, pain, and swelling; blood pressure; and heart, digestive, and kidney function as well. Some of the effects noted for 3nB on the prostaglandin system are quite unique and novel. Rather than simply inhibiting the production of prostaglandins by blocking enzymes that produce them like aspirin or even the more expensive and selective Cox-2 inhibitors, 3nB appears to help restore balance in the prostaglandin system.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hawthorn Berry Heart Benefits

Hawthorn is a small tree that generally grows up to a height of 9m and has beautiful white flowers and bright red berries. Hawthorn is also popularly known as Whitethorn and Mayflower. There are more than 250 known species of Hawthorn but the one used for various medicinal purposes is a spiny shrub, with origin from the Northern wooded climatic zone of eastern North America and Europe. 

The herb of hawthorn has been historically used in conditions of stones in both human organs – kidney and bladder. In a few European countries, herbs’ berries extract is considered as safer and effective therapy for treating mild to moderate congestive cardiac failure. Health care providers also believe that the berries are helpful in bringing the elevated blood pressure down back to its normal range. Said this, hawthorn is a potent antihypertensive herb.

Family: Rosaceae

Active ingredients: Hawthorn’s usable part berries contain procyanidins, flavonoids and other active components. Particularly, anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins (responsible for the reddish and bluish shades of the herb) have been found to have powerful antioxidant properties.

Health Benefits of Hawthorn

The herb of hawthorn is considered to be potent heart tonic. The herb is believed to have direct beneficial effects on the functioning and pumping of the heart. If used in proper dosage, it dilates the blood vessels and hence can be prescribed as potent antihypertensive herb. The herb is labeled as ‘food for the heart’ because of its property of improving the blood flow to the heart through coronary arteries.

Coronary artery disease

Though the herb cannot be considered as a first line therapy for coronary artery disease, it has shown enough evidences in clinical trials and researches about improving overall cardiac health when taken for a long duration. The fruit is stated to have cardio-tonic, coronary vasodilator and hypotensive action. Traditional medicine practitioners prefer the herb to help curing myocardial weakness, arteriosclerosis, Buerger’s disease and paroxysmal tachycardia.

The herb has shown great results on improving oxygen uptake, regulating the heartbeats and improving the pumping efficiency of the heart. Nevertheless, typical cardiovascular indications for the prescription of hawthorn include…
  • Palpation of the heart
  • Mild angina
  • Heartbeat irregularity
  • Early signs of heart weakness

High blood pressure (Hypertension)

The berries, leaves and flowers of hawthorn contain a good amount of procyanidins, those are the flavonoid compounds possessing powerful antioxidant properties. This property of the herb improves the blood circulation and lowers the resistance to blood flow in peripheral blood vessels. Particularly, leaves and flowering tops are researched and the scientific documents reveal that they have super concentration of procyanidins and hence can play great role in lowering the elevated blood pressure due to any reason. This action of hawthorn herb is due to its potent action of slowing the heart rate and simultaneously dilating the blood vessels.
The best part of the herb, as scientists believe, is it slows the heart rate in case of heart’s overactive mode and stimulates it in case of underactive state. Said this, it is an ideal herb that regulates the heart rate and checks the normal blood pressure.

Circulatory Problems and Raynaud’s Phenomenon

Since the herb of hawthorn has shown beneficial effects on cardiovascular ailments, it has been also prescribed in case of poor blood circulation on peripheral areas of the body. In other words, in conditions like diabetic neuropathy and other neurological disorders wherein the numbness due to poor blood circulation is noticed, herbal extract of hawthorn has shown promising results.
Hawthorn is beneficial in case of intermittent claudication and Raynaud’s phenomenon (poor blood circulation in the hands and feet).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Aloe Vera Helps Reduce Arteriosclerosis

As a person ages, hardening of arteries is among the major and often inevitable consequences. Luckily, these days there are various things, which help to prevent and sometimes cure the hardening of arteries or arteriosclerosis.

How can it (Aloe Vera) Help?
Aloe, Aloeride is good for the circulatory system, as Aloe reduces amount of triglycerides and LDL [The “bad cholesterol”] and increases amount of HDL [The “good cholesterol”].

Many scientific studies have shown that when someone’s diet is supplemented with Aloe, signs and symptoms of coronary artery disease went away. The people involved in the studies never experienced heart problems again.           

These studies also noted that the patients could afford to stop taking pills, which they used to take before the study for blood pressure, chest pain as well as blood sugar control.

A 1985 study conducted prior to the discovery of the effectiveness of Aloe Vera and Aloeride, involved 5,000 people with Angina Pectoris [chest pain resulting from physical exertion] and acknowledged coronary artery disease, which shows a deficit of blood circulation to the muscles of the heart, who started taking Aloe Vera regularly.

What resulted was that the signs of angina pectoris ceased and no lethal heart attacks developed. Also prescription drugs weren’t needed anymore to control symptoms, although they didn’t cure them.

Heart Attack

Arteriosclerosis is a complicated disease and microscopic damage to both large and small arteries alike is involved. Hardened plaque lines the arteries. A plaque build-up occurs in the small arteries and the passageway through the arteries becomes smaller and blood circulation is made difficult.

This deprives the tissues and organs which need the oxygen and the blood, resulting in damage to tissue and organs because of the lack of blood and oxygen. Build up toxic waste like carbon dioxide occurs as these aren’t taken away by the arteries normally.

As there is blockage in the coronary arteries, the free flow of blood stops.When there is physical exertion, the heart muscle requires more oxygen. When a heart muscle requires a larger amount of oxygen and blood isn’t delivered, that heart muscle dies. When this happens, it is known as a heart attack. This may even result in instant death of the person.

Blood clotting

By lowering the stickiness of the platelet, Aloe Vera eases the coronary syndrome just as well as Aspirin and Plavex.

The normal function of the platelet is to stop bleeding in the case of injury of blood vessels [Blood clotting].

When the platelets are more sticky than normal, they will create a clot in those blood vessels which have lots of plaque lining their walls, often resulting in permanent shut off of the flow of blood through that blood vessel or artery.

This clotting can damage the brain tissue by leading to a stroke in people with Arteriosclerosis or diabetes. Diabetes, if present, will accelerate small vessel disease as well as the resultant damage to various tissues and organs.

Aloe Vera possesses the power to reduce the stickiness of platelets and thus lower the inflammation resulting from microvascular injury.

Aloeride thus reduces the accumulation of plaque and has the power to help prevent Arteriosclerosis and sometimes even reverse it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Health Benefits Of Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are both delicious and nutritious, and are natural source of the cholesterol fighting statins. Oyster mushrooms are high in B complex vitamins and protein. Vitamin B3 in oyster mushrooms is 5-10 times higher as compared to any other vegetable. Oyster mushrooms contain the majority of the mineral salts that are required by the human body. Calcium, phosphorous and iron content in oyster mushrooms is approximately double the amount available in beef, pork and chicken meat, yet oyster mushrooms are fat and cholesterol free. The texture of oyster mushroom is wonderful, velvety and the flavor is mild in nature.

Oyster mushrooms can be a nutritious daily addition to the diets of people in all age groups. Oyster mushrooms can be cooked or eaten raw. Oyster mushrooms taste best when prepared simply. Oyster mushrooms sautéed in butter with a bit onion and garlic make a wonderful side dish, or base for other recipes. Oyster mushrooms can also be used in almost any recipe that calls for mushrooms, and have long been a staple in Asian cooking and stir fries.

Groups that may find oyster mushrooms especially beneficial: 

1. Those who are anemic: oyster mushrooms improve haemopoietic factors.
2. Those who are trying to control hypertension, obesity and diabetes: oyster mushrooms are high potassium yet have a low sodium/potassium ratio, and are also low in starch, fat and caloric value.
3. Those who suffer from hyperacidity and constipation: Oyster mushrooms have beneficial high fiber content and alkaline ash content.
4. Those who wish to lower cholesterol levels: oyster mushroom naturally contain 0.4%-2.7% of lovastatin, commonly used in cholesterol lowering drugs.
5. Those wishing to bolster their immune systems: Oyster mushrooms contain some antibiotic properties and immune boosting properties.

Additional information

Oyster mushrooms contain carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, plus minerals, especially iron and an antioxident.  This mushroom shows activity against cancer and high cholesterol.  It has shown activity in the following areas:  antitumor, immune response, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibiotic.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coleus Forskohlii For High Blood Pressure and Weight Management

The herb that is used more as condiment than medicinal drug, Coleus is native to India. The leaves and root of this herb is found useful in ailments related to cardiovascular and respiratory system. Nevertheless, latest researches conducted in effort to learn more about the herb reveal its potent muscle relaxant properties in the human body if prescribed in particular doses. The herb is known to lower the blood pressure (anti hypertensive properties as active ingredients in herb show significant dilatation of the blood vessels), relieve the spasms (anti spasmodic action) and boost overall health.


Coleus forskohlii is also known as Plectranthus barbatus and Indian Coleus. It is a tropical perennial plant belonging to coleus species. Since the herb produces forskolin, it has attracted scientists and medical experts from all over the world. This plant grows everywhere as an annual and as a perennial in the southern states. I grow this plant myself and  have seeds availible.

Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Plectranthus

As recorded in ancient Ayurvedic (probably the oldest Indian medicinal science) texts, coleus has been prescribed as medical herb for treating heart and lung ailments, stomach and intestines’ problems, insomnia (sleeplessness) and convulsions in some cases. Latest research on the herb shows great action of forskolin, an active ingredient found in Coleus, on human body. It helps in improving a variety of body tissues’ function including regulating the release and secretion of histamine. If taken in proper dosage, Coleus is found to be very helpful in restoring the thyroid gland malfunction, muscles’ tone and fat metabolism.

Benefits of Coleus

Regular intake of Coleus in a proper dose helps in improving the digestion. Since the herb positively approaches the digestive system, it helps in eliminating the fat tissues. Simply put, the herb contains potential ingredients that burn the fats effectively without disturbing other bodily systems. Coleus is also known for its histamine control and hence can be used in various allergic conditions where the histamine secretion is more than required. Said this, the herb can be prescribed in Hay’s fever, malaise, common cough and cold etc.

The herb is reported to be beneficial for human endocrine disruption. Forskolin, the potential substance present in the plant is said to regulate various enzymes and hormones in human body and hence, is used to control and cure thyroid gland malfunctioning, especially when the gland is under functioning (the condition is called hypothyroidism).

Though the herb is prescribed in many ailments, lets go through some of the most frequently seen diseases/conditions wherein Coleus has played a key role:


The active chemical found in Coleus herb is forskolin, which in research, observed to initiate the cascade of hormone/enzyme reaction that force the fat cells releasing their energy and then melt down. The specific theory about how Coleus can help in obesity can be interpreted as forskolin boosts the enzyme called adenylate cyclase that as a result increases the level of another enzyme known as cyclic AMP (cAMP), the main component found in fatty tissues and cells. Increased level of cAMP then starts stimulating its next enzyme (sensitive lipase) that ultimately burns the adipose tissues (the fat cells).

High Blood Pressure

It is reported in scientific documents that forskolin helps in dilating the blood vessels and hence improves the forcefulness of the heart to pump the blood smoothly, without any hassles. Blood vessel dilators, undoubtedly, help in relieving the blood pressure and hence, they act as potent natural anti hypertensive drugs. Improved heart function help patients with cardiomyopathy.

Asthma and Lung Spasm

There are lots of researches on the herb Coleus. Some studies also suggest that inhaling the herb’s extract that contain forskolin can decrease the spasm in the lungs and hence, help in tackling breathlessness due to mild to moderate asthmatic attack.

Dosage and Side Effects

Most of the trials and researches used a concentrated extract of forskolin through injections, aerosolized and topical ophthalmic and hence, oral dosage may require professional health care provider’s advice. Also, oral Coleus forskohlii extracts are generally standardized to 10% forskolin, and its recommended dosage ranges from 100-250 mg two times a day.
  • There should be a caution using Coleus in a person suffering from any sort of ulcers in the gut as forskolin is found to increase stomach acid levels.
  • Caution should also be considered in a patient who has hypotension (low blood pressure) as the herb possesses potent hypotensive action.
  • As forskolin effects on platelet aggregation, the herb is used cautiously in patients with bleeding disorders or those who take blood-thinning pills
  • Coleus forskohlii extracts is not considered to be safe for pregnant or lactating women.

Astaxanthin The Heart Protector Antioxident

Natural Astaxanthin is a very good tonic for the heart. It has a variety of properties that can help people prevent heart disease and also help people with heart disease to minimize their risk of a heart attack or stroke. Astaxanthin’s antioxidant power and its ability to reduce silent inflammation are two obvious cardiovascular benefits; additionally, there are other potential benefits that have been demonstrated in human clinical trials and/or pre-clinical animal studies.

There is evidence that Natural Astaxanthin can help improve blood lipid profiles by decreasing low density lipoprotein (LDL, bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and by increasing high density lipoprotein (HDL, good cholesterol). This has been demonstrated in both human and animal trials.

An early study in rats demonstrated that Astaxanthin raised HDL, the good cholesterol (Murillo, E, 1992). A later study tested both Astaxanthin and Vitamin E in rabbits that had high cholesterol. This research found that both supplements, particularly Astaxanthin, improved plaque stability in the arteries. All the rabbits that ingested Astaxanthin were classified as “early plaques,” as compared to the rabbits ingesting Vitamin E and also the control group (Li, et al, 2004). A third animal study was done last year in rats. This study showed that Astaxanthin increased HDL while decreasing both triglycerides and non-esterified fatty acids in the blood (Hussein, et al, 2006).

A human clinical trial in Japan found a very promising effect on LDL (bad cholesterol) both in test tubes and in human volunteers. The in-vitro test showed that Astaxanthin dose-dependently prolonged the oxidation lag time of LDL. The test was then repeated in humans at doses as low as 1.8 mg per day and as high as 21.6 mg per day for fourteen days. This study found that all four doses positively affected LDL oxidation lag time—at 1.8 mg per day it was 5% longer; at 3.6 mg it was 26% longer; at 14.4 mg it was 42% longer; and at the highest dose of 21.6 mg, the upward trend stopped and the lag time was only 31% longer. This suggests that the optimum dose for blood lipid profiles is significantly less than 21.6 mg per day. The researchers concluded that consumption of Astaxanthin “inhibits LDL oxidation and possibly therefore contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis” (Iwamoto, et al, 2000).

An unpublished human clinical trial was done in Eastern Europe on men with high cholesterol. Subjects supplemented with 4 mg of Astaxanthin (as BioAstin®) for thirty days. At the end of the study, subjects taking Astaxanthin showed an average decrease in total cholesterol and of LDL of 17%, and an average decrease of triglycerides of 24%! (Trimeks, 2003).

Another potential benefit for cardiovascular health may be Astaxanthin’s ability to decrease blood pressure. To date, research has been only pre-clinical animal trials in rodents, but the results look promising. A group of Japanese researchers have done three separate experiments on rats with high blood pressure. In the first study, the researchers discovered that supplementation with Astaxanthin for fourteen days resulted in a significant decrease in blood pressure for the hypertensive rats, while rats with normal blood pressure levels showed no decrease. They also showed that stroke-prone rats that were fed Astaxanthin for five weeks had a delayed incidence of stroke while also decreasing their blood pressure. In another area researched in this study, mice with poor blood flow to the brain improved their memory when fed Astaxanthin; basically, the treatment mice proved to be smarter after being fed Astaxanthin. The study concluded, “These results indicate that Astaxanthin can exert beneficial effects in protection against hypertension and stroke and in improving memory in vascular dementia.” This study was very broad in its scope and quite ground-breaking (Hussein, et al, 2005a), so the same researcher led another study later the same year.

The second study again examined the effect of Astaxanthin on hypertensive rats, but with an aim of also finding Astaxanthin’s mechanism of action for high blood pressure. They found that Astaxanthin’s mechanism for decreasing high blood pressure may be its modulating effect on nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a causative factor for inflammation. So at the same time Astaxanthin is controlling inflammation through its modulation of nitric oxide, it is also controlling blood pressure. This study went on to examine the hearts of the rats after contractions were induced with a variety of substances. The constrictive effects of these introduced substances were improved by Astaxanthin, demonstrating that it may help reduce the consequences of a heart attack. The conclusion was that Astaxanthin may help with blood fluidity in hypertension, and that it may restore the vascular tone (Hussein, et al, 2005b).

There is one human study that is related to this anti-hypertensive animal research as well as the blood lipid research. This study centered on human volunteers supplementing with 6 mg of Astaxanthin per day for only ten days. At the end of the ten day period, a significant improvement in blood flow was found in the treatment group (Miyawaki, H, 2005).

A very different type of animal study related to cardiac health was done by a different group of Japanese scientists at the Kyoto University of Medicine. The study found that mice that were fed Astaxanthin and then run on a treadmill until exhaustion suffered less heart damage than mice that were similarly exercised without Astaxanthin supplementation. On examination, they found Astaxanthin concentrated in the mice’s hearts. They concluded that Astaxanthin can decrease exercise induced damage in the heart as well as in the skeletal muscle (Aoi, et al, 2003).

At the Medical College of Wisconsin, another animal study with rats showed cardio-protective attributes for Astaxanthin. In this study, Astaxanthin was given to rats prior to heart attacks. It was found that Astaxanthin significantly reduced the area of infarction and the damage caused to the heart by the heart attack (Gross and Lockwood, 2004).

Lastly, let’s briefly talk about a group of researchers from Honolulu, Hawaii that are looking at making a unique, injectable delivery system for Astaxanthin into a patented prescription drug for cardiovascular patients. The group has trademarked the name Cardax® for their product and has done extensive research on it. Three of these studies are of particular interest: In the first, they used rats as the model for their experiment and in the second they used dogs. Both results were very promising: “These results suggest that Cardax has marked cardioprotective properties in both rodents and canines. Thus, Cardax may be a novel and powerful new means to prevent myocardial [inner heart muscle tissue] injury” (Gross and Lockwood, 2003 and 2005).

The third study that was done on Cardax was extremely exciting. It was led by a scientist at the prestigious Harvard Medical School. This study tested Cardax’s effect onthe negative side effects of Vioxx®. Vioxx is a prescription anti-inflammatory that can have a horrible side effect of causing deaths from cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. This study states that the dangerous cardiovascular effects that may be caused by Vioxx are related to its action of increasing the susceptibility of LDL and cellular membrane lipids to oxidation, which contributes to plaque instability and thrombus formation (formation of blood clots in the arteries). This study demonstrates that Vioxx is a pro-oxidant. Now for the amazing part: Astaxanthin, as an antioxidant, completely negated the pro-oxidant effect of Vioxx! The study states, “Remarkably, Astaxanthin was able to completely inhibit the adverse effects of Vioxx on lipid peroxidation…We have now demonstrated a pharmacologic approach to block the pro-oxidant effects of Vioxx using a high lipophilic chain-breaking antioxidant, Astaxanthin”

Reversing Heart Disease With Reishi Mushroom

Heart Disease Is The Number One Killer

Ever wonder what the leading cause of death here in America is? No it’s not homicides nor cancer, but the number one killer here in the United States is Heart Disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for people of most ethnicities in the United States, including African Americans, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Hispanics, and whites. It is now estimated that one in four Americans will die of heart disease. This is a serious disease that affects all age groups and ethnicities. More and more Americans have sub come to this deadly disease. We are in hope; this disease can be treated, reversed and prevented, with this time-tested herb used for more than 3,000 years. Reishi Mushroom, a medicinal mushroom will help prevent and reverse all heart disease. 

Normal and Irregular Artery

(Normal artery and Blocked (plaque filled) artery)
First, Heart Disease is made up of many diseases and conditions that affect your heart. Some of these diseases are coronary artery disease, which is a disease that affects your blood vessels. It is also the most common heart disease in our country. The main cause of coronary artery disease is the accumulation of plaque build-up in the arteries that supply oxygenated blood to your heart. These plaques consist of bad cholesterol deposits. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that your body needs. But, when you have too much in your blood, it can build up on the walls of your arteries. This can lead to heart disease and stroke. Another form of heart disease is heart rhythm problems also known as arrhythmias. Heart arrhythmias are irregular or abnormal heartbeats, either too slow or too fast. Another heart condition of many relating to heart disease is infections of the heart. Bacterial endocarditis is an infection of the heart valves or heart’s inner lining. This sort of infection occurs when germs, primarily bacteria, but also fungi and other microbes enter the blood stream and attack either the heart valves or lining of the heart. It’s important to know that this disease can affect men and women and both children and adult. It will be of great value to take the necessary steps not only to educate you of this number one killer, but adapting an improved lifestyle, one that includes a herbal/natural regime. The top herb with great history and use, as well as both clinical and scientific research in treating/preventing heart disease is the Reishi mushroom. Scientific studies show, the Reishi mushroom treatment is effective and improves 81.77% of heart disease patients. The best result where 93.3% in one study.

What is Reishi Mushroom?
Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) or Ling Zhi is a medicinal mushroom with long use in ancient China dating back thousands of years. Unlike other herbs and medicinal mushrooms, the health benefits of Reishi are extremely broad. This queen of herbs is known to have miraculous health benefits. Some of its benefits include immune modulating, aids in autoimmune diseases, potent antioxidants, improve cardiovascular system (Heart), anti-cancer, anti-stress, improve memory and concentration, radiation protection, promotes liver cell recovery and many more. As you can see Reishi mushroom has many health benefits, this is why it is considered a superior in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Reishi mushroom is beneficial for the heart health. The main compounds in Reishi mushroom that aid in improving heart health are sterols, polysaccharides (Beta-D-glucans), triterpenes (Ganoderic Acids) and adenosine. As mentioned above the most common heart disease is coronary artery disease, the accumulation of plaque build-up in the blood. This accumulated plaque is bad cholesterol, just to make things clear not all cholesterol is bad. There are two types of cholesterol, good (HDL) and bad (LDL). The cause for bad cholesterol in the body is poor nutrition. Artificial, chemically changed fats such as margarines are a leading CAUSE of heart disease. Numerous clinical studies have shown Reishi mushroom extract to be effective in coronary heart disease. In one study 14 cases out of 15 had LDL levels substantially decreased. These benefits were obtained after 1 week of Reishi extract treatment. The main compound found in Reishi responsible for the improvements is the polysaccharides. The polysaccharides found in Reishi also have also been found to improve the circulation of the myocardium (the innermost muscle of the heart), increase blood flow and lowers oxygen consumption. One clinical study showed Reishi improved heart disease patients in up to 92%. Another important compound found in the Reishi mushrooms are triterpenes. Triterpenes are responsible for blood pressure and blood lipid improvements (cholesterol). Patients (taking Reishi extract) from another clinical trial showed significant decrease in total cholesterol. Their HDLs or good cholesterol did not change, but their LDLs or bad unwanted cholesterol was decreased, which is the proper way to lose cholesterol. Triterpenes also have an adaptogenic effect, helping the body to adapt to large range of environmental, biological, and sociological stress (protection from excess stressors). A final major component of Reishi for heart health is adenosine. Adenosine, a nucleotide and derivative of RNA, is connected with inhibiting platelet aggregation and regulating energy. Alleviating bad blood, dislodging blockage (blood clots) in the body. Reishi has a harmonizing effect on the body, immune system as well as the circulatory system.

It’s clear, that this time tested medicinal mushroom has very positive effects on body, especially the heart. Clinical studies have shown that Reishi has the ability to alleviate many of these issues. We read often how as Americans we need to reduce our cholesterol and blood-fat levels. Not only has Reishi extract been shown to do this, it also balances the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. Clinical studies and trials have shown Reishi to help over 80% of people with heart problems. Every negative issue relating to the heart along with the use of Reishi was lowered/reversed/alleviated in as little as 10 days. Reishi mushroom extract is the key for heart health and vitality.