Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lower Blood Sugar And Cholesterol With Fenugreek


As a medicinal plant, fenugreek has traditionally been considered a carminative, demulcent, expectorant, laxative and stomachic. The plant has also been employed against bronchitis, fevers, sore throats, wounds, swollen glands, skin irritations, diabetes, ulcers, and in the treatment of cancer. Fenugreek has been used to promote lactation and as an aphrodisiac. Furthermore, fenugreek seeds have been used as an oral insulin substitute, and seen extracts have been reported to lower blood glucose levels.

Compounds extracted from the plant have shown cardiotonic anticholeserolemic, hypoglycemic, diuretic, antichloristic, and hypertensive activity. One of its constituents is an alkaloid called іtrigonellineІ which has shown potential for use in cancer therapy. The seeds contain steroidal saponins that account for the many beneficial effects of fenugreek, particularly the inhibition of cholesterol absorption and synthesis. The seeds are also rich in dietary fiber, which may be the main reason why it can lower blood sugar levels in diabetes.

Fenugreek has the following properties:

  • Lowers fever
  • Supports the respiratory system
  • Treating gastritis and gastric ulcers
  • Treatment of cancer
  • Anti-diabetic (lowers blood sugar levels
  • Lowers cholesterol level
  • Laxative
  • Carminative
  • Increases breast-milk production
  • Induces childbirth

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